Sunday, July 1, 2012

Reality is So Real Sometimes

What up homo sapiens?!
 It's Ashli again we only have one more week!!! This reality is bringing so many emotions along with it, such as, excitement, nervousness, and if I'm being honest even a little fear. I want to start out asking for lots and lots of prayer I was talking with Faith about our trip and how her week was going we both discovered that Satan is already trying to attack us with a great force, but we already know who has succeeded for us on our behalf and with that we are holding on strong. Pray that the use of our time this week and that we are good stewards of our time. That we get our testimonies written out and that they will be used for God's purpose. Pray that we do not get frustrated with the packing process or stressed with our families.Pray that we will remember that Uganda is not our only mission field and to be prepared while we are still in the US and in London. Pray that we will be alert of the attacks that the Devil may throw our way and that we will be ready to fight back, and finally pray for our emotions before we go on this trip and while we are there and that we will remember that God has control and has predetermined everything so we do not need to fear anything!!! Now here is a detailed out line of our flight times and what you can be praying for while we are in Uganda.

London is 5 hours ahead and Uganda is 7 hours ahead of the US 

Saturday July 7th depart ATL @ 9:20PM
Sunday July 8th arrive in London @10:25AM (5:25 AM GA time)
Sunday July 8th depart London @ 9:15AM (4:15 PM GA time)
Monday July 9th arrive in Entebbe, Uganda @ 7:45 AM (12:45 AM GA time)

Then when we come back our flight times will be 

Monday July 16th depart Entebbe, Uganda @ 9:10 AM (2:10 AM GA time)
Monday July 16th arrive in London @ 3:55 PM (10:55 AM GA time)
Tuesday depart London @ 3:05 PM (10:05 AM GA time)
Tuesday arrive in ATL @ 7:10 PM GA time

Things you can pray for while we are there in Uganda 
During the mornings we will be ministering in local schools with music, testimonies, games, stories, discipleship, etc. During most afternoons/evenings we will be leading youth conferences in local churches and communities. Pray that God will use this time for his glory and that everyone will be safe. Pray for the hearts that we will be reaching and pray for our hearts to be touched and God will show us some amazing things through the people of Uganda.
Pray for our health, our engergy levels, for us to have great attitudes! Spiritual Warfare, in that we are able to have Victory through Jesus. Pray for lots of opportunities to share the gospel where ever we are!

Now we have some smiling faces to put with the names I gave you last time!!
In the back, starting on the left we have Morgan, Tyler, Bart and Ashli then in front starting on the left again we have Stephanie, Faith and Will.
We are all so very excited and so thankful for your support and prayers for this Mission Trip! Stay tuned for more updates!! 
The Uganda Team  

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