Friday, July 13, 2012

Brotha Balalalala or Bat

Ashli- So we will let you try and figure out who the title of our blog is about! I love the way the Ugandan's pronounce our names, Faith's name is probably their favorite then Morgans. Faith is a common name in Uganda also. We had a blast today with no car troubles!! Yay!! We went back to Mpigi to visit another school with about 450 children. When we arrived they had a poster for us with our names on it, here is the picture of it. Not to worry Stephanie wasn't a boy for long she got ordained in a couple of hours and was then named Pastor Stephanie! Here we played games and had a bible study and crafts. I was able to play football (soccer) with the boys. They have taught me a lot about soccer, and I have really enjoyed it! We also had a conference at a church today, it was very welcoming here we served food again, and had tea at the owner of the school's house. We got to try sugar cane and a fruit called Jack fruit. At the church Mr. Bart and Stephanie both shared their testimonies, we sang songs and made crosses for them. With our supplies that have been donated like the soap, toothpaste, and tooth brushes we gave away in a small village we also shared the gospel and several excepted Christ into their hearts. I am so grateful for the chance to come here and share the love of Jesus with others. Please pray for the ending of our trip as its coming faster than we like. Pray that we finish out strong. Pray that we keep the fire that we have for the Ugandans in America for the American children. We love you!  Below is a little boy we say eating a boiled egg and drinking porridge. 
Morgan: Today as we arrived at the school the kids were jumping up and down with huge smiles on their faces!!! what JOY!!! After having tea and a special lunch at the church we stop to buy some potatoes and we decided to pass out the soap, toothbrushes, and school supplies. a little girl came up and as i put her on a new pair of shoes you could see she had worms in her stomach. its sad, but then again it reminds me with what i'm supposed to do with the rest of my life. SERVE MY GOD WITH ALL THAT I AM! Today i told the bibles stories for a group of children with Will. We told Noah's ark, creation, and the fall of man. The kids love to be interactive with us!!! As we left the school the kids just ran and ran to try and catch up with us. all i can say is that i have fallen in love with Uganda and its people. Gods doing great things over here. I cant wait to share with everyone when we return!! Yall probably remember Ivan, the little boy at our mission house? He finally left with his new daddy to go home to America. Please pray for a safe journey home and that he adjust well to his new family. :) 
Faith- I just wanted to share a little piece of God's heart and how He chose to bless me today :) I still can't believe that He chooses to use me. Tonight, at the church we prayed over everyone that came forward and asked.  I prayed for many things such as wisdom, school fees, health, to pass and exams, etc... but then this young girl came up and I needed a translator.  When the translator asked her what she needed prayer for she said that she wanted to be born again, as soon as those words came out of the translators mouth I had to do a double take.  I asked, "you mean she wants to be saved???" the translator told me yes she wants to be born again.  So of course I was filled with excitement, joy, and i was a little nervous.  But of course God knew what He was doing and all went well :) I gained a new sister tonight and it was beautiful!! It was bittersweet letting Ivan go tonight but we are so excited he gets to see his mommy and brother and sisters.  As the trip winds down we are all getting a little sad and of course already planning for Uganda next year :) Thank you for the prayers, support, and love each of you is appreciated!! I love you :)
Will- When preparing for this mission I had everyone prepare their personal testimonies, a short message, and a team devotion. We don't plan who will share beforehand; I just go with what The Spirit is telling me. This afternoon at the church He promoted me to have Bart and Stephanie share their testimonies--obviously that was the right choice! Knocked it out of the park! The Spirit was powerful today. We also stopped at a small, roadside stand so Pastor Paul could buy Irish potatoes on our way back to the mission house. While there we handed out toothbrushes, soap, small toys, shoes, and school supplies. All the students jumped right to it and showed such love and passion! I stood in the background enjoying their service in the joy of the Lord. It is wonderful watching God move through His children. I would also like to give a shout out to Tia Young. She packed a different encouraging gift for each day of our trip--fishing poles, flashlights, pillows, sponges. Way to go, Tia! I asked for the opportunity to share with just the adults during our time here, and tomorrow from 4-6pm that's what I'll be doing--please pray for me. God has a special message for them. He keeps impressing them upon my heart--seriously.
Balalalala - I never knew how happy three strings of yarn and two popsicle sticks could make a child. But then again, I never knew how happy three strings of yarn and two popsicle sticks could make a grown man. I sat with child after child making a craft with these items and just loving on them. Then when we were done, they gave us gifts!! These are sweet, sweet children who simply want to be loved. It is a blessing to be able to share just a little love with them. My heart is full of joy over what we have experienced and heavy there is so little time left in the week. There is so much to be done here. Thanks for your prayers!
Stephanie- Today was so abundantly rewarding. My emotions finally caught up with today while we were leaving the Source of Hope Primary School. There were 450 eager children waiting for us to arrive. I've never felt so welcomed and appreciated in my life. We were greeted with warm sweet smiles from all 450 children. They performed little skits and songs for us, which were absolutely precious. I was so overwhelmed with how much I was already in love with each and every child there. I helped with craft time and seeing there faces light up with even a simple compliment warmed my heart to the core. When it was time to leave to go to a children's conference, the goodbyes were really hard. Touching and kissing their sweet faces and telling them how much I love them crushed my heart to have to tell them goodbye. It reminded my of how much Jesus cherishes me. He absolutely loves to hold me in His arms and confirm over and over again how precious and loved I am to Him. As we were leaving, I was saying goodbye to a little girl and she handed me a little purse. She had kept little trinkets in the purse and I told her how pretty it was. When we were leaving she told me she wanted me to have it to remember her. I have never met so many people who are so willing to give when they have so little. These children have touched my heart in so many ways. I love them so much and this country. Thank you for continually praying for all of us!
Tyler-Today I got to pray with two kids to receive CHRIST!!! It was an amazing experience and I was blessed to do it. Another blessing that happened today was that Ivan got to head home to America with his adoptive family. I'm sad to see him go but so happy he will be safe. I still can not get over how kind the people are in Uganda. They really know how to pour out blessings on you and make a stranger feel welcome. Just pray for the people of Uganda and Gabe and Ivan Jensen and pray that our ministries tomorrow go great.  


  1. Wow you guys are awesome and God is doing a true work through each of you. We still pray for you each night here at home and know that your next step, your next meeting, your next encounter, will be blessed by our God. Thanks for all that you have done and continue to do while you are there. I can't wait to see and hear in person about each of your journeys .

  2. Notes from Conversation with Pastor Paul Kyakuwa –7/13/2012

    Servants !!! Everyone on the team is a true servant. All of the Ugandans have said, “We have never seen White People feeding us! “ Every performance has been so good. All of the pastors and teachers have said, “It is so good!!” His group estimates were : Mon-planned for 100, but 195 came. Tues-250. Wed-
    240. Thurs-25+100. Fri-450+another 230 = 1,490 souls fed - physically and spiritually


    Everywhere the Team has gone, they have been preaching, singing, everything. Soo many people came!! Today, when they were going home, they stopped at another village. Pastor Paul was stopping to buy something. The Team said, “We still have gifts in our bags.” People came around to see what these White People are giving away. There was such a commotion, everyone came running, just to see the White People from America.

    A certain man came around. He was about 50 years old. He asked, “ Can we have a church in this village? I have seen what you have done. Can we set up a church?” Pastor Paul told him that they needed land in order to put up a church. The man said, “I have land. I will give a piece of land to start a church.” Pastor Paul told him, “We will pray and see what God wants us to do.” The village is Jalamba in Mpigi district.

    Also today, Pastor Willie (aka Rev. Will Turner) started preaching and praying. He told the crowd that had gathered, “If you want to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, pray the sinner’s prayer.” About 20 people repeated the prayer. Pastor Paul said that for some it was the first time they had ever asked Jesus to be their Personal Savior. All of this took place outside someone’s house. People were running to see what the White People were giving away. Running !!! Pastor Willie started to share Jesus. People were excited to hear about the Gospel.
    Everywhere the Team has visited. They have prayed. Prayed for so many. This is the first team of missionaries from the US to come to this part of deep Uganda!!! He has truly appreciated everything that has been done by the Team. He is having a Tea Party at his house for them. He has invited 15 pastors to join them. Agenda – talk, pray and enjoy the fellowship

    Pastor Paul repeated the same message over and over in our 36 minute conversation. “The Team….they are really servants of the Lord. So humble. I am making a report Sunday about how much of a blessing it has been to us. They have shown such discipline. Everyone has shown such a spirit of service. Praying for everyone. Going into deep villages. Loved everybody. They all asked very good questions. Their love was so bright. They loved everybody – 100% Smiles!!!! Every where they have been, everyone smiles.

    On a lighter note: I asked how well did they learn to dance? Pastor Paul said, “They all danced good. We tried to teach them our traditional dance. It is the way that we worship .” [On YouTube, it appears that they keep their feet firmly planted and their shoulders straight and level; but everything else between the ankles and the shoulders wiggles very fast, especially the hips. I am not positive, but it is not traditional Southern Baptist “Interpretive Dance”.]

    Everyone has loved the toothpaste and brushes. So greatly received. SOAP !!! SOAP FROM THE US!!!!
    “Soap leads people to Christ!!!! God uses different things to bring people to Christ. “

    MAN, OH MAN, WAS I BLESSED. This was such a wonderful phone call. The only bad thing was that I could not talk to Stephanie. It was after 11pm and Pastor Paul was at his home.

    My sincerest thanks to everyone for their prayers and financial support.


  3. It sounds like ya'll are having a AWESOME Experience! I have been praying specifically for ya'll before the trip to Uganda was being planned. I have prayed specifically that Satan would stay out of the way as the name of Jesus is proclaim! Love each one of you with all my heart! Benjamin

  4. I'm praying for a safe journey for you all as you start the trek back to the US!

  5. This is AWESOME!! :) praying for a safe trip back home!!
