Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mosquito Nets Are Great, but Tanglely

Ashli- So today has just been overwhelming... not in a bad way at all, but just overwhelming. Overwhelming in the sense that I'm in Africa, in Uganda,with small dirt "roads", with children that do not get but one meal a day, with children that wear clothes with holes and broken shoes, with children who are grateful for just a simple high five,with children that barley have food to eat but have such a servants heart they want to serve me with a meal, with children that think a piece of yarn is the best gift they have been given, children that cry for sponsors, but there's nothing you can do but pray for their needs. So those are the things that have overwhelmed this small heart that has so much love and wants to do everything but can't. I love this country so much and I know some of yall think "Oh this "high" will be gone once she returns", but it's not just a high this is something I live for. To share the love of God that he has given me that I do NOT deserve by no means and I want to share it, I want people to know this ever lasting love that so unconditional we cannot even comprehend. That is what I'm here for, and that is what overwhelms this heart. 
Faith- Above you see a picture of us serving lunch to the kids attending the children's conference.  It was such a blessing to see the manners that these kids displayed.  They would bow and thank us, it was beautiful and touched each of our hearts.  I just wanted to share a little something that God revealed to me: So, we met a man last night, Gabe, and his new son Ivin.  Gabe has been here for 3 weeks waiting on Ivin to get his passport so that he can take him back home to New Mexico because they just adopted Ivin.  Not only did this remind me how passionate I am about adoption but also God reminded me that when we are saved He adopts us into His family.  God desires for every child to have a family but also He desires to adopt each of us into His family.  He loves us so very much, He loves each of these children in Uganda so much and it touches my heart!! Tonight, as I sat with a sleeping Ugandan in my lap God spoke to me.  Just as I desired to hold that child forever and take him home, in that same way God desires to hold us when we are tired or need comfort.  WOW, what wonderful news.  Children in Africa are pushed to the side or they are treated badly because their parents are angry at the situation they are living in so even though these children may have heard the name of God, they probably have never seen His love, that is what we are trying to do.  Thank you for all your support, I love all of yall!! 

Morgan- Well today we started out by going to a school with about 250 kids. I cant even describe how excited those kids were to see us. Its kinda crazy how every little thing over here, whether we think it significant or not, matters to them. The kids are so loving to each and everyone of us and every time we start to leave they cling to us like crazy. This mission trip has already been a blessing to me in so many ways. God has provided in so many ways imaginable! Acts 20:24 says, "I don't care about my own life. The only thing that matters is that i finish the work God gave me; to share the Good News of Gods grace." I love this verse because it makes everything seem so real. As I see these childrens' face all i can think about is loving them. These kids are so special to me. God is so good!!!! We have to keep telling the children that God can only satisfy their needs not people. We tell them there is hope. Thank you for all the prayers back home. Honestly, i could stay here forever. Love yall!


  1. Praying for you all! What an amazing experience! It looks like you are having the time of your lives. God is really smiling down on you all. I pray that God will continue to use you in great and mighty ways! Tyler - I love you and I'm proud to be your mom!

  2. I can't tell you how much I love reading your blogs! You make me feel like I'm there and I certainly want to hold those children. Blessings to all and continue the work God has sent you there to do!--Sharon C.
